Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Review: Enshrine by Chelle Bliss

EnshrineEnshrine by Chelle Bliss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chelle freaking Bliss has fucking done it again!! Omg. Holy fuck. How do I process it all?!!!?!

ROCCO BRUNO is what I'd want in a man. Holy shit. He was intensely imperfectly perfect for CALLIE GENTILE and she for him!

I UGLY cried at the right parts, I screamed in frustration, I smiled like a goof, I laughed wholeheartedly, I celebrated when the time came, I got wet when things got hot, I acknowledged how something can be so soul/body crushing and devastatingly horrible to go through, my mind blurred with things I thought I understood but I really didn't.. was it really a mind fuck or is that really real life? Was everything that Callie goes through really happen? How can I be so selfish and think it's 'normal' and it just happens? NOTHING LIKE THIS IS JUST NORMAL. Gaaaah. It fucking sucks.

How Callie got through it or how anyone ever does is something so powerful, you have to somehow question yourself. Chelle broke my heart with how everything came to place, she repaired it with the ending and I couldn't be more happier. But I don't think I can go through something so spellbounding, heart-crushing and powerful and end up with a heart that will be whole again. Going through something like that, you definitely lose a piece of yourself. Damn. I'm lost for words. I never once imagined.. This book, I don't know, you have to read it to know the feelings of how people SURVIVE. You have to read it to know it DOES happen and it can't be made fun of it. & you have to read it, just cos.

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